Masuk Daftar

dare to artinya

contoh kalimat "dare to"
  • That is, if you may dare to listen to me.
    ini bagaimana Anda telah disusun itu?
  • ~ And the dreams that you dare to
    ~ And the dreams that you dare to
  • If you dare to jump, well do whatever you want.
    Kalo berani "Loncat", kita bakalan "Nurut".
  • I don't dare to say things to your face.
    Aku tidak berani mengatakan apa-apa tentang wajahmu.
  • "forgive me that I should dare to write to you.
    "maafkan kalau aku harus menulis kepadamu.
  • If you dare to drive off, I'm not going to forgive you.
    Kau..kau akan mati sekarang
  • Murase... you dared to kill one of my men?
    Murase... Kamu berani membunuh salah satu orangku?
  • If I don't dare to draw a gun on you,
    Jika aku tak berani menodong anda,
  • No one dare to go near except those geese!
    Tak seorangpun berani mendekat kecuali angsa-angsa itu!
  • But he doesn't dare to play for the school
    Tapi dia tidak berani bermain untuk sekolah
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5